Monday, October 28, 2013

The Big Disney Reveal...??!!

THE BIG DISNEY REVEAL.......... was not so "big" :).  They were surprised but it wasn't the all exciting, yipping, and hollerin' type of reaction I thought we'd get. LOL! It all started sinking in as we packed up to leave the hotel in GA.

This is how it all a lie! ha! A white lie though, don't you say? 

We told the kids that we were going to the beach with Mimi (my mom) and Aunt LaLa (my sister) to celebrate Mom's retirement, Laura's birthday and Hannah's birthday.  We told them we were going to a "different beach" and staying in a hotel. What beach? Well "Georgia Beach" of course. :)  We picked up Hannah up early from school and picked up Mom and La and got on the road to GA.

We woke up and went down to breakfast in the hotel. As we were eating, Jon said he had to "get something out of the van", and went and picked up the "surprise box" I had wrapped up & packed for them for the reveal. He put it in the hotel room and came back downstairs.  We all went up the elevator together back to the room. Here is the video of what happened. You may need to turn it up loud to hear. They were super quiet.

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