Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hannah's Big Sister Tour

Hannah is officially ready to be a big sister! ;) No, really! She has the certificate to prove it! ;) She had her Presby Sibling Tour last night and had a blast learning about little brothers and sisters. They talked about how they would cry alot and they couldn't talk when they needed something. They learned how they were going to be Mommy and Daddy's helpers, but not to handle the baby by themselves. As you see below, they even got a baby doll and learned how to diaper a baby!
At the end they were all called up to get their Big Sister/Big Brother certificates. Hannah was so proud!
The class was too cute and she is so excited! Now, to wait on June! ha! ha!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Such a great class - sounds really wonderful for big sibs.